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at:10 what I need now

“At:10”: It creates a medium for us to think about messages that visualize the borders.
Where is the borderline between visible and invisible matters?
at:10 is an online gallery.
Its core philosophy is “what I need now”; it will enhance dialogues, expressions,
and encounters with internal values from various concepts.

What I need now

We can’t reach certain realms by logical approaches.
Those realms are attributed to inspiration, imagination,
and memories, which everyone is supposed to have.

I presume that in modern society,
we have pursued the imagery of our future happiness
with the convenience of possessing everything and acquiring freedom, which is an illusion.
These days, in the ever-changing world, ideologies are confused,
and the dreams of the future have become vague.
I imagine that many people are facing the ambiguity in defining happiness.

What I need now

What if I can visualize the realm of inspiration, imagination, and memories within myself,
or trembling emotions that can not be expressed verbally?
What if I can cherish sealed treasures in my heart
and value places beyond time and space selflessly and then imagine the future?

things I don’t need